1905 S. Central Avenue

Marshfield, WI 54449



Finding the right lawyer who will work for you and with you is an important part of any legal proceeding. You want someone who is experienced and will work and fight along-side you in protecting your family, your property and your rights. We are here to help you.

We specialize in many areas of law (family, custody, placement, adoption, guardianship, real estate, wills and trusts, powers of attorney, civil litigation, criminal litigation and more) and can assist you with all your legal needs. We strive to develop a close working relationship with each of our clients so that you will be well informed, comfortable, and confident about your case.

Information is your greatest weapon in fighting unethical and destructive people. Stop in or call us today for your discounted consultation and put your mind at ease with the information you need and deserve.

We look forward to serving you and making you successful.

The pages within this web site are informational only and do not provide legal advice. Visiting this web site does not create an attorney-client relationship. You should not act on information contained within this site, but instead should seek legal counsel. No statement about the successes of the firm or its attorneys should be construed to imply that in future cases the firm or its attorneys will obtain similar results. While the firm has experience in many areas of litigation practice, the Supreme Court of Wisconsin does not recognize certifications or specialties in the practice of law; accordingly, no statement contained within this site should be construed to imply that lawyers are certified, are specialists or are experts in particular areas.

Additionally, please do not send us any information about any legal question or problem you may have. Unsolicited communication by you through this Web site, by e-mail or other electronic communication, or generally is not confidential and does not establish an attorney-client relationship with Feddick-Goodwin Law Office, S.C., or its attorneys. That means we cannot agree to treat any such communications as confidential and that we do not become your attorneys when you send such a communication to us. Our professional obligations require that before accepting any new client or new matter, we must determine whether there are any actual or potential conflicts with any of our existing or former clients. If you wish to inquire about becoming a client of the firm, please request a personal interview. We will not consider any communication regarding new client representation other than a request for a personal interview, and we will not accept legal representation unless we do so through a signed, written agreement.